According to reports, Osama Bin Laden's son, Hamza Bin Laden, has married the daughter of a 9/11 hijacker. Hamza is one of sons of Bin Laden's 3 surviving wives, Khairiah Sabar, who was living with Bin Laden near Pakistan when he was killed roughly 7-years ago.
The 29-year-old Hamza is reportedly seeking to avenge his father's death according to the half-brothers of 9/11 hijacker Mohammad Atta, Ahmad and Hassan al-Attas. “When we thought everyone was over this, next thing I knew was Hamza saying I am going to avenge my father,” said Hassan al-Attas. “If Hamza was in front of me now, I would tell him, ‘God guide you. Think twice about what you are doing. Don’t retake the steps of your father. You are entering really negative and horrible parts of your soul.’"
Hamza was placed on the designated global terrorist list by the United States meaning his assets could be blocked and anyone interacting with him could be arrested.